Appetite Suppressant

THCV+ – 10 mg
ACV – 500 mg

$30 for 10 gummies / $60 for 30 gummies

THCV is a rare extract from hemp, a non-psychoactive derivative of THC, meaning you don’t ‘get high’.  It is a known aid for appetite suppression (un-munchies),  Also otherwise known as “diet weed’.  This gummy is combined with a high dose apple cider vinegar which aids digestion.  Most people cannot tolerate the acidity  and the taste of swallowing the vinegar, so they don’t take it regularly.  This formulation works and tastes great.  I added this to EWL to boost effects of semaglutide, help punch through weight loss plateaus, and to aid getting off semaglutide and weight maintenance.  It works in about 30 minutes, so it will also help if you find yourself in a tempting situation and do not want to overindulge.



Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00
Saturday By special appointment
Sunday Closed

Dr. Sharon Giese and her staff are happy to schedule a consultation with you about Elective Weight Loss, and the purchase of “gummies”. For more information on treatments and Dr. Sharon Giese, please call us at 212.421.3400.